Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Do You Ship To St. Kitts & Nevis?

Your packages are shipped from our US warehouse on the next available flight. As long as you have submitted your invoices to us you can expect to receive your package within three business days of it arriving at our warehouse.

Do you offer package consolidation services?

No, we do not offer package consolidation. All packages are shipped as they are received. However, we do offer multiple packages discount for customers who have more than one package in our shipments.

Do you charge by actual weight or dimensional weight?

Airfreight rates are based on actual weight or dimensional weight, whichever is higher

How long will you hold packages once it's available for pickup?

We will hold your packages for fourteen (14) days after you have been notified by email that is ready for pickup. Any packages that remains at our facilities longer than (14) fourteen days will be deemed abandoned. The contents of the package will be auctioned or sold.